Name: Allan Day
Affiliation: Red Hat

Dear Foundation Members,

I am announcing my intention to run for the GNOME Foundation Board of

I have been contributing to GNOME for around 10 years, primarily in my
capacity as a designer, although I have previously contributed to
engagement and bug triage.

I am currently employed by Red Hat, where I work as a designer on the
Desktop Team.

I have been a member of the Board of Directors since 2015. During that
time, I've served as vice-president for a number of years, and have had a
short spell as secretary. I've had an impact in various areas, including
leading on trademarks, logistics for hiring Neil, leading on the events
code of conduct and most recently pushing forward with efforts to better
define our software.

I feel that I have the experience to help guide the foundation forward. The
foundation is going through a process of expansion, and we have been
working to become a more professional organisation, with clear roles and
responsibilities, and a more formal oversight role for the board. I am keen
for us to continue this process, and it is something that I would work to
support if I am re-elected. Another priority would be to complete the
software definition initiative that I've been working on for a while.

I don't have as much time for board work as in the past, but I can commit
to do what's required, and to pick up the odd task or initiative.

I look forward to any questions that you might have!


Allan Day
foundation-list mailing list

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