On Wed, Mar 9 2022 at 05:44:04 PM +0100, Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org>
With that in mind and unless anyone within the community objects with
a good rationale we'll be retiring the service by the 31th of March.
Sadly I have images for appstream metadata hosted here (seemed like a
good idea back in 2014, oops), meaning once it goes down, older
releases will no longer display images in GNOME Software if distros
rebuild their appstream metadata. Potentially affected apps:
five-or-more, four-in-a-row, gnome-calculator, gnome-chess,
gnome-klotski, gnome-mahjongg, gnome-mines, gnome-nibbles,
gnome-robots, gnome-sudoku, gnome-taquin, gnome-tetravex, hitori,
iagno, lightsoff, quadrapassel, swell-foop, tali. These images are very
stale, so hopefully some apps have refreshed their images since I
created them, but the rest will break. I'll go through them all soon
and migrate all images to GitLab to ensure that GNOME 42 releases will
be OK, but of course there is no way to fix older releases.
I also had a bunch of tarballs hosted here too, but it looks like
release team is no longer using them due to infrastructure
improvements, so that's no problem.
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