Hello all,

The Travel Committee is now accepting travel sponsorship requests for GUADEC 2022. If you need help getting to and staying in Guadalajara Mexico you are welcome to submit a request, however we have limited funds available so please note that submitting an application is not a guarantee of sponsorship.

You can help us maximize our limited funds by requesting partial sponsorship for your trip and by requesting sponsorship from your company or organization if you belong to one.

Please submit your travel sponsorship application to the GNOME Travel Committee with a GitLab issue:https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/TravelCommittee/-/issues/new?issue%5Bconfidential%5D=true
*All travel sponsorship requests are due by May 31st.*

After we receive your request we may ask you for additional information or request that you perform additional steps to finish processing your application. Please also note that we will need receipts from all payments in order to reimburse you.

Best Regards,

Kristi Progri| PMP certified
Program Manager at GNOME Foundation
foundation-list mailing list

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