At 02:48 PM 5/2/00 -0400, Johnson,Alex wrote:

>2)     Use a PC as your "alarm printer" and one of several 3rd party
>packages to capture the alarms.

We do something similar. We feed all the process alarms (and system
alarms, too, for that matter) to a VAX. Our friendly VAX guru sets up
automatic capturing and parsing of the alarms into process area
specific files (text files, one file per day) and put them on a web
server. The process people can grab them at their leisure and do
whatever with them. These files are kept on the web server for 3 months
and then archived to CD-ROM for who knows how long.

Duc M. Do
Dow Corning Corp.
Carrollton Plant
Carrollton, KY, US

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