If you would like to extract System Monitor or Operator Action Journal
messages from AIM*, there are existing tools to do this.  You need to
download Quick Fix #991513, which consists of two programs, oajgen and
fh_sacego.  These programs are Foxboro-supplied C programs that can be used
with AIM* to replace the functionality that the ACE report writer has with
the legacy historian.  If you follow the Quick Fix instructions, it works
pretty well.  I use it to generate a System Monitor report every day.

If you need to extract process data and alarms from AIM* with a C program,
so far, you are on your own.  Foxboro does not supply such applications at
the moment.  In fact, they supply nothing whatsoever to extract Alarm data
out of AIM*.  I would recommend a company called TiPS, Inc., which sells a
nice product called "LogMate" that captures alarm messages from the I/A
Series COMM10 port, among other DCS systems, and stores the messages in a
Paradox database on an NT PC, Vax/VMS Alpha machine, or NT network.  They
can be found at www.tipsweb.com <http://www.tipsweb.com> .

For AIM* C Programs, the make string should look like this, based on my
experience with AIM*:

-llargem -laimapi -laimhistory -lfox -lfoxfdr -lsocket -lnsl -lposix4 -lm
-lmfc40 -lcommdlg32 -lodbc32 -lolest32 -lcommctrl32 
-lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lprnt32 -lwinsock32 -lC -lthread -lw -lgen -lXm
-lXext -lXt -lXmu -lX11 -ldl -lfoxlc -lhi -ldsp

I think you will get a bulleted list in Microsoft Outlook when I send this.
Ignore that.  All the libraries should have "-l" (the letter "ell") in front
of them with no space and then the library name.
According to the documentation (B0193YN), there is a -laim, but that doesn't
exist.  The correct library is -laimhistory. I also had to rename libC.so.5
to libC.so in /usr/lib, and I had to add -ldsp to the list.  Alex Johnson of
Foxboro and Jeremy Milum of Hunstman helped me figure this stuff out.
I hope that gets you started.

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sent:   Friday, October 20, 2000 8:26 AM
        To:             -         *[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        AIM*Historian


        We are using the AIM*Historian on an off-line SUN-platform.
        We are looking for an extraction tool (preferable in 'C') to extract
data from
        the AIM*Historian data files or the exact 'make'-string or a list of
all the
        libraries wich should be linked !
        A search in the Cassandra database showed us some tools like
        ez_archive.zip and ez_archive.tar.Z but I don't think this is an
answer to our

        Best regards,

        Vaningelgem Alfons
        Bayer Antwerpen N.V.
        Afdeling IN-EP/PAS
        Haven 507 - Scheldelaan 420
        B-2040 Antwerpen
        Tel. (0)3 540.35.40
        Fax. (0)3 540.36.90


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