We have a node consisting of 3 WP51B's and a single AP51B, runing 6.1

        The AP had devleoped a problem that at first appeared to be disk
        related, but after changing several disks, and still getting
        crash/reboots with SCSI errors in /var/adm/messages, I decided it must
        be the SCSI controler.

        So I sent one of my engineers over to replace the CPU. He did all the
        reight things, shut down trending, rebootedm and set the system clock.
        Made certain trending started back up.

        A few days later, the operators started complaining thta faceplates
        with trends on tehm were taking 15+ seconds to come up!

        We checked, and verifed thatthis was indeed the case. So what we did to
        "correct" it was reboot each WP.

        Now I really don't like the idea that I have to reboot all the WP's on
        a node after an AP change!

        Anyone ver seen this? Any idea what is ahppening? And espically, how to
        correct t, without rebooting everything iin sight?

Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
        useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
        a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
        originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
        company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 2000 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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