On Fri Dec 29 00:12:46 2000 "Johnson, Alex P (Foxboro)" wrote...
>It's fixed. There is no description that I'm aware of in the documentation
>other than a discontinued system messages B0 book.
>Sorry about that.


        Well, surely someone on this list must understand what these message contain,

        It appears that the come in at least 2 formats. Let's call them process, and

        Common features, they both seem to cnsist of 2 80 character lines folowed by a
        blank line, right?

        Jeree is a typical process alarm (at least for us):

503TEMP:IG1447D                         HYDROGRATE SOUTH  SECTION        ENABLE
12-11-00 09:28:13:4                            ALARM MESSAGES ENABLED          

I believe that 503TEMP is the comound, and IG1447D  is the block.

Sometimes there is an extra field next following a dot as in;


508COE:IPC005B.MILL DAY TAN             DAY TANK LEVEL                   LOABS 
12-11-00 09:35:00:2     9.05FEET   (      8.8) LOW LEVEL                    RTN  

Can someone tell me what this is?

Next we seem to have, what I am calliing "alarm description" as in:

"HYDROGRATE SOUTH  SECTION", and "DAY TANK LEVEL" in my 2 examples above.

Next we seem to have what I am calling the alarm "type" as in :ENABLE" and HIABS"
in these 2 examles.

At the start of the 2nd line we have what appears to be a date/time stamp. But
whats the filed after seconds?

Next we have an optional filed which contains, I assume, the PV if the signal that
trigered the alarm. When is this sample, when the alarm is first detected in the

In the second exmaple above we have a value in ()'s which I am thinjing is the
alarm stepoint? correct? This filed also appears to be optional, right?

Then ew have some text. "ALARM MESSAGES ENABLED", and "LOW LEVEL" what is this, and
where is it configured? then in one example we have "RTN" I am thinking this is the
"Return To Normal" or out of alarm message. right?

OK now system alarms:

Here's 2 example of them:

12-11-00 09:35:51      0  SYSMON = SYSMN1  WP0501  Station                   
  SYSMON -00045 Equipment failure acknowledged

12-11-00 10:15:02      0  SYSMON = SYSMN1  CP0505  Equip = CP0505            
  SYSMON -00056 Currently using PIO bus A

These seem, to start with a date/timestamp, but this time without the filed
following the seconds.

The, both my examples ahve a 0, what is this, and what are the possible values?

Next seems to be the entity (task?) generating the message in both case, I have
SYSMON (System Monitor?), what arethe possible values hsere?

Folowed y a = and SYSMN1, is this system monitor no. 1?

Then we have the entity, causing the alram (CP, and WP in these examples), right?

What;s the "Station", "Equip = CP0505" mean?

Finaly, on the 2nd line we have the alarm message text itself, rihgt?

I would _GREATLY_ appreciate some information on all of this, as I am pretty
confused by all of it.

Thanks very much.

Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
        useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
        a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
        originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
        company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
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