The following entry in the Free Pascal contributed units was modified:

Name         : StrWrap1
Author       : Lars (L505) & Jeff (YetAnotherGeek)
Email        : fpcunits1(at)z505(dot)com
Homepage     :
FTP site     :
Version      : SVN
Date         : 2007-03-19
Category     : File Handling
Supported OS : All (Linux, bsd, win, etc)
Description  :
Some string and array functions to make getting data out of a text files easy, 
without using stringlists or functions that would haul in a lot of classes. 
Sometimes you find a StringList <b>overkill</b> - these are some simple but 
powerful string & array operations. 
This unit is essentially a wrapper for blockread, readln, assign, reset, and 
 -GetFileSize <i>text or binary file</i>
 -StrLoadFile, StrSaveFile (FileToString, StringToFile)
 -GetLn1, GetLnN, GetLineCount 
 -ArrayLoadFile, ArrayLoadLines, ArrayLoadRng   
 -StrLoadLines, StrLoadRng 
 -OpenFile and FileExists without using sysutils
 -GetLineCount of file
No reliance on hefty 'classes' or Sysutils unit. The entire file is not loaded 
into the memory with these functions - only the precise lines that you want. 
Stringlists in contrast, loads the entire file into memory no matter what!
A web based Tail emulator was even built (checks last ten lines of file 
continually) and that utility is 

fpc-announce maillist  -

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