
Absence of automatic construction/destruction of classes is very painfull and it can significantly degrade the
development process (i.e. smart pointers and RAII are impossible). It's one of the greatest flaws of Pascal relatevly to
C (the second thing are Templates of cource). Are there any plans for serious language extensions in this way for "post
2.0" releases of FPC ?

P.S. The simpliest proposal for syntax for auto construction/destruction could be like (maybe with some restrictions
on constructors/destructors):

 Procedure Something;
 Var T:tMyClass;Auto;
 Begin   <- T auto created here
    If ... Then Exit; <- T auto destructed here
 End;    <- T auto destructed here

P.P.S. The "auto" modifier should affect only stack variables.
There's no great need of this for global vars.

You can use custom variants for this, however, these aren't implemented yet completly in the fpc rtl.

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