On Monday 26 March 2007 14.39, Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> Martin Schreiber schrieb:
> > Hi,
> > MSEide+MSEgui compiles and runs on Linux with FPC 2.1.1.
> > It compiles on win32 but does not run.
> > Mantis 8481 ("By copying an record with OLE string fields, the memory
> > location of the *source* string is changed.") is a show stopper for
> > MSEgui, I can not do more debugging until the problem is solved.
> Other ways are currently not doable with the current FPC widestring
> architecture. When does this cause problems? Making assumtions according
> to memory locations for managed strings is bad anyways?

Type conversion to pwidechar (especially in multi threaded applications) and 
using watchpoints in GDB. It is almost impossible to debug a system like 
MSEgui without write-watchpoints. They trigger now on every *read* of an 
record with OLE-string.

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