On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 10:48 AM, Michael Van Canneyt
> But we are few, we have day jobs, and we're not being paid for any of this.

I'm in the same boat. And I did offer to extend or start writing tests
cases to help implementation.  I'm not a compiler developer (I don't
understand any of it's internals), but I can help implement Unicode
enabled string functions.  We have a few implementations floating
around already.

> And that is the whole explanation for some features not being there:
> it's open source, and a hobby project for the core teams.

I did not demand the unicode features... I simply stated a shortcoming
when I started this thread and asked how I could proceed with a

Also, I did not see an issue in highlighting my thoughts on cloning
other projects. I thought we are free to express our opinions, seeing
that this is an open-source community project. I also do not consider
myself one of those users that simply bitch from the sidelines and not
really participate.  I might not have been as active as other users in
FPC or Lazarus development, but I have submitted patches for things I
could fix or implement.  Plus, if I feel strongly about (against)
something (like my issues regarding LCL), I do something about it,
like I'm doing with fpGUI.

Anyway, I have received a answer to my original question and I thank
those that participated in the conversation. Always a pleasure
chatting to you guys.  ;-)

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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