Zitat von Burkhard Carstens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Am Mittwoch, 6. August 2008 21:37 schrieb Sergei Gorelkin:
> > Since this topic is touched, I would like to vote for removing
> > avl_tree dependency from the DOM altogether. The reason is that the
> > avl tree of child nodes is useless for any real-world XML data
> > because it does not handle duplicate names. The tree is useful only
> > for the one particular case of XML configs where each node name is
> > unique. OTOH, it causes considerable performance penalties (each
> > insert results in two searches, first one for checking the existence,
> > second one for insert itself; each search is a number of calls to
> > Node.GetNodeName, which, in case of Windows, is a Widestring copy,
> > etc.)

The widestrings version is slow under linux too. Last time I tested (a few
months ago) it was about 2 to 10 times slower than the ansistring version.
Mainly because of the parser.

> > Therefore I'd suggest to remove the avltree from DOM.
> This would be great to have in 2.2.2.
> > In order to
> > keep configs at the reasonable speed, it is possible to implement
> > indexing within TXMLConfig class itself, preferably hashmap-based.
> This would be a performance tweak which (from my POV) does not need to
> be in 2.2.2, although it would be nice.

The performance penalty without the trees can be quite big for things like
txmlconfig. For example for lazarus project files it can be a hundred times
slower without the trees.
Note: lazarus itself uses its own ansistring version of xml parser, so this not
a direct problem for lazarus.

> > Alternatively, it is possible to use Registry-like access
> > (OpenKey/CloseKey methods) that I had already implemented in newer
> > xmlconf.pp unit. The advantage is that the searches are done starting
> > from the 'opened key', not from the root, so linear search isn't too
> > slow.
> If I understand correctly, this would change the usage of xmlconfig
> which would require changes to any existing code using it? If so, it's
> probably not an option for 2.2.2, maybe even not for 2.2.4 ..

I second that. The main advantage of TXMLConfig is it's easy usage.
I guess you can gain some speed by implementing some kind of caching for paths.
Maybe I will do that for the lazarus ansistring version. But IMO this is too
risky for fpc 2.2.2 which is released soon.

About avl tree:
For thread safety I guess the best thing is to not use the node mem manager.


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