Marc Weustink wrote:
Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 03 Mar 2009, at 06:47, Flávio Etrusco wrote:

what's the current status on this issue, please?

In what sense? Do you still get emails for all bug reports, or do you not get any emails at all (even for your own bug reports)? As far as I know, the problem has been fixed, and I thought that email notifications had already been re-enabled also for the FPC project.

They are not. For fpc the following cases are only enabled:
* User who reported issue * User who is handling the issue * Users monitoring this issue * Users who added Bugnotes

* status new (developer, manager, administrator)

To Flávio Etrusco:
Can you give me some bugnumbers of reports you got, which shouldn't have been sent to you ?

BTW, did you know you have (at least) 2 accounts ?


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