Jonas Maebe wrote:
On 05 Oct 2009, at 15:27, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

The fp IDE can drive libgdb to do straightforward debugging on x86 and ARM, there might be failures with complex stuff that I've not been able to test. Those two platforms are no problem, the problems are on PowerPC and SPARC.

You're really picking your fights, aren't you? :) The textmode IDE is probably the least maintained part of FPC currently, and Linux/SPARC is not exactly the most used release either :)

[GRIN] Yes, and I'm the one trying to get to grips with the IDE "for the common good" starting with finding out exactly what files are being built into it on the different platforms- hence the Perl filter.

If SPARC is of any continuing relevance it's because it's possible to get fairly large systems dirt-cheap right now, I've been very quiet on this over the last few months specifically because I was trying to get to grips with the IDE issue... I didn't want to say anything until I was confident of my facts.

Note that the code is correct: it's output the Hello World message even though subsequently the debugger is confused.

d48656c = #13'Hel'. gdb on SPARC is trying to dereference the string itself. I've fixed this in r13813 in trunk.

0d48. Well spotted :-) OK, I'll get back onto that as soon as I've got a couple more live jobs off my desk.

Do you agree that the PowerPC problem is probably a broken Debian library somewhere? It's not as though we actually need XML for anything...

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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