Zitat von Hans-Peter Diettrich <drdiettri...@aol.com>:

Mattias Gärtner schrieb:

The 'in' modifier works here.

It didn't work for me with relative pathes, like
 uses myUnit in '..\myUnit.pas';
(Windows, obviously ;-)

Hint: Both compiler and lazarus automatically changes the path delimiter and searches exact/lower/upper case for the file name (not path).

In the concrete case the filename was all lowercase, and the Windows filesystems are case-insensitive.

Yes, it was a hint how 'in' works platform independent.

There might be a problem with "uses" in the project file, where "in" is allowed, and with uses of the same file in other units?

The 'in' modifier is troublesome and is always the inferior solution compared to search paths.

Unfortunately I have to replace some files in the compiler directory, what suggests *not* to add that directory to the searchpath - otherwise I suspect that a used unit could be found in the wrong directory.

How do you replace units with the 'in' modifier?

Perhaps somebody has a better solution?

Replacing units can be done with the search path.

Lazarus searches relative to the unit, the compiler relative to its working directory. The reason is that the IDE has not a single working directory, but each project, each package and each tool have their own working directories, so units can have 0..n different working directories.

I understand the complications in Lazarus, but not in FPC with a single (unique) working directory :-(
That's why I ask in the FPC list.

Maybe start another mail thread for this?


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