Am 29.09.2010 20:00, schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
> Hi fpc devels,
> I did some test with an integrated fpc (e.g. in an IDE) and sharing
> redirecting the file access. For example FPC could use the files
> of the IDE. This would allow to compile without saving to disk, so the
> compiler could be used for quick syntax checks and similar tasks.
> Note: Under Linux the speed up is hardly measurable. But
> maybe Windows can gain a bit.
> I changed a few calls to Assign/Reset/Close to use the TCFileStream
> (e.g. for the ppu reader) and added the possibility to define a custom
> TCFileStream class. An IDE can then redirect the file access.
> I guess the maintenance cost is pretty low for you fpc devels.
> Should I create a feature request with the patch or are there some

Create a feature request with patch. I guess it is based on the
exisiting compiler.pas interface?
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