Am 23.10.2010 15:47, schrieb Willibald Krenn:
> Hi!
> I stumbled accross a bug in fpc that manifests itself when working with
> bitpacked records that have fields with pos and size mod 8 == 0; For
> example:
> type
>   TField = bitpacked record
>     case boolean of
>     true:  (value : integer);
>     false: (
>             data: 0 .. $FFFFFF;             // 24 bits
>             operation: 0 .. $7F;            // 7 bits
>             binop: Boolean                  // one bit
>            )
>   end;
> var
>    a, b: integer;
>    instr: TField;
> begin
>   //instr.value := $01000004;
>   a := ; //and $FFFFFF; // bug in fpc
>   b := + 1;
> end.
> will generate asm like
> mov    0x37ab3(%rip),%eax        # 0x439020 <U_P$PROJECT1_INSTR>
> mov    %eax,0x37a8d(%rip)        # 0x439000 <U_P$PROJECT1_A>
> mov    0x37aa7(%rip),%eax        # 0x439020 <U_P$PROJECT1_INSTR>
> and    $0xffffff,%rax
> and    $0xffffffff,%eax
> inc    %rax
> which is wrong for the first assignment and not very clever for the
> second one.
> I've tracked the issue down to the following check in ncv.pas:
> ncv.pas (~ 265)
> if equal_defs(p.resultdef,def) and
>    not is_bitpacked_access(p) then
>  p.resultdef:=def
> The function is_bitpacked_access (relevant parts) is defined as follows.
> in nutils.pas (~ 1155)
> subscriptn:
> result:= is_packed_record_or_object(tsubscriptnode(n).left.resultdef)
>           and (
>           (tsubscriptnode(n).vs.vardef.packedbitsize mod 8 <> 0) or
>           (tsubscriptnode(n).vs.fieldoffset mod 8 <>0));
> Now, my question is why is an access with a size mod 8 and an offset mod
> 8 considered NOT bitpacked? Or is the code in ncv.pas to blame?

I'am not sure about the change, it is Jonas' code. Can you please create
a bug report with this information, so it won't be forgotten?
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