On Thu, 11 Nov 2010, Alexander Klenin wrote:

As a piece of anecdotal evidence, the fact that FPC
does not "properly" support interfaces was the reason
for at least one company I worked for to reject it and move to Delphi
2007 instead (from Delphi 7).

I think that at that time there were more problems with FPC's interface support than the one Graeme encountered. We fix them as time permits.

It doesn't alter the fact that the company sits on a potential time-bomb if it relies on internal compiler-implementation dependent behaviour.
This may well surface with the advent of the 64-bit compiler.

I refer to the docs for an example, and the bugtracker where Jonas demonstrated that a) The Delphi implementation is not internally consistent.
b) It would require intimate knowledge of the internal Delphi compiler
   implementation to be able to duplicate the behaviour.
   Clearly this is not feasible.

Those are the reasons we do not support this undocumented behaviour.
The day it is documented and guaranteed, we'll do our best to implement it.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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