On 09 Dec 2010, at 00:59, Martin wrote:

On 08 Dec 2010, at 22:53, Jonas Maebe wrote:
Also, unless you are using a GDB version shipped with the latest Fedora, or built one yourself from GDB's Archer git repository, using -gw3 is only going to cause problems:
a) it's not nearly as well tested as -gw2
b) it uses a bunch of DWARF features that are not supported by regular GDB releases yet

I am not using it for production. But I am doing some testing on the IDE's gdb interface. So I try to run the same apps with -gs, -gw, -gw3, compiled by different fpc versions, in different gdb versions...

-gw3 should only be used to test the compiler's DWARF3 output at this point. Changing an IDE based on that is not useful because -gw3 itself is not stable (so you may have to change the IDE again in the future, or add workarounds for bugs that will never make it to a released FPC version resulting unnecessary bulky code).


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