Martin Schreiber  wrote / napísal(a):
On Wednesday, 12. January 2011 09.45:47 LacaK wrote:
So where is error ?
1. Is it wrong expectation by LCL, that TField.Text is always UTF8 string
2. Is it wrong in implementation of TSQLConnectors, which write data
into record buffer (of TStringField) and do not convert them always into
UTF-8 ?
(if data should be always in UTF-8 then it will be good redefine
TField.Text property like "property Text: UTF8String" to be clear, that
we always work with UTF-8 strings)
3. I missed something ? ;-)

MSEgui sqldb version converts to UTF-16 from/to system encoding or utf-8 (selectable by option properties) and uses FPC 16bit UnicodeString to store string field values in the dataset, the tmsestringfield returns UnicodeString values. So one can either use utf-8 encoded databaseconnections or connections with the current system encoding. MSEgui uses 16 bit UnicodeString everywhere, the conversion from/to system encoding is done transparently by the FPC unicode/widestring-manager if necessary. This is a solution which works now, no additional complicated and possibly less performant codepage and encoding aware stringtype necessary...

Yes, sounds logicaly to me.
Then you propose same way for TStringField ? (internaly store as UnicodeString UTF-16 and also TStringField.Text should return UnicodeString instead of String ? ... what will happens in LCL, when visual component will read UTF-16 string, will they be translated into UTF-8 automagicaly?)
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