On Monday 12 September 2011 12:23:44 Martin wrote:

> >   - watchpoints. break when data at memory address changed. Very
> >   
> >     handy to debug those procedural programs that loves to use global
> >     variables.  MSEide supports this (but it is actually a GDB feature)
> Yes indeed.
> Btw, i have used them a few times in Lazarus. they are on the todo list
> Though to use them in Lazarus, quite a few hacks are required.
> The big issue, is that gdb often scopes them wrong, and you loose the
> watch point before you it triggers
MSEide has popup menu functions 'Address Watchpoint 8', 'Address Watchpoint 
16', 'Address Watchpoint 32' and 'Address Watchpoint 64' in watch window in 
order to prevent gdb from dropping the watchpoint.

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