On 13/09/2011 01:43, DaWorm wrote:
> I don't understand why a property with a getter could ever be ran by a
> debugger.  If I have a property called NextValue, implanted by a method

Yes, yes, but I am a big boy and know what I am doing, so I do NOT want
the debugger to limit what I am allowed to do. eg: Delphi allows it
without *anybody* complaining!. You are a programmer, you should know
what you are doing. If you didn't want the getter method to execute,
then you should have debugged the field variable instead.

What you are describing is like saying "we are not supposed to change
values at runtime while debugging either". Redicoulous. In Delphi I
often got to a loop, iterated the loop once and spot the problem. I then
change the value of a some variable, reset the EIP register until before
the loop, and then continue running the loop again. All without
restarting my debugging session. This was extremely handy!

The code I work with daily are also 10's of levels deep in a class
hierarchies. How the hell am I supposed to know all the field variable
names! I would much rather let the debugger figure that out.

Yes, and maybe for those developers that like to have there hands held
while debugging, there should be some option to same "don't execute

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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