On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, zeljko wrote:


I have daemon which uses Now() for getting current date/time, but something is 
wrong, time on server changed from 03:00
to 02:00 this weekend, but daemon's Now() was on old time ... until now ... 
I've just restarted it and now it applied
new time.

fpc-2.4.5, centos 5.5 ....

Also this confirms something what happens sometimes when ntpd changes time ...

Any hints ? What to do ? Any workaround ?

It's probably the timezone information which is loaded only once at program 

This has been reported before, but no satisfying solution was found at the time.
re-reading this file at each now() would be extremely slowing.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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