In our previous episode, Henry Vermaak said:
> Also, how cheap is this on Windows?  Presumably they will also have to 
> deal with potential system services running while updates fix daylight 
> saving time changes?  If they don't use shared memory for this, I'd 
> wager that it's just as slow as libc localtime.

I doubt Windows has a _file_ based concept of timezone.

> I don't think the definition of "acceptable" for the RTL should be "may 
> be wrong in corner cases, as long as it's fast".  I'm sure you'd agree.

As Michael explained there are multiple usecases for gettime like

And I agree with him (if only because my business app would break horribly.
Worse, if my business app ran on Linux, rescanning the timezone files in
a thread that called gettime would probably violate realtime constraints and
our quality assurance app would eject valid products because of unexpected
latency due to unforseen harddisk access.
fpc-devel maillist  -

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