Florian Klaempfl wrote:
Am 11.03.2012 12:01, schrieb peter green:
It appears to me (i'm not  an expert on arm assembler and I can't seem
to find any documentation on FPA) that FPC is generating FPA
instructions even though the FPU is set to a VFP type. What i'm really
struggling to work out is why the heck that is happening. From telling
freepascal to include source lines as comments in the assembler it
doesn't look like inline assembler is responsible.

Can you please post the full assembler listing of a procedure containing
such code?
.section .text.n_system_$$_assign$real48$$double
   .balign 4
.globl    SYSTEM_$$_assign$REAL48$$DOUBLE
   .type    SYSTEM_$$_assign$REAL48$$DOUBLE,#function
# Temps allocated between r13+4 and r13+12
# [346] begin
   stmfd    r13!,{r14}
   sub    r13,r13,#12
# Var $result located in register d0
# Var b located at r13+0
   str    r0,[r13]
   add    r2,r13,#4
   mov    r1,#6
   ldrb    r3,[r0], #1
   subs    r1,r1,#1
   strb    r3,[r2], #1
   bne    .Lj10088
# [347] D:=real2double(b);
   add    r0,r13,#4
   mvfd    d0,f0
# Var $result located in register d0
# [348] end;
   fstd    d0,[r13]
   ldfd    f0,[r13]
   add    r13,r13,#12
   ldmfd    r13!,{r15}
.size SYSTEM_$$_assign$REAL48$$DOUBLE, .Le332 - SYSTEM_$$_assign$REAL48$$DOUBLE

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