On Sun, 15 Jul 2012, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:


On 15 July 2012 18:21, Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:
For example:
Is directly accessible through TParam.Bound, so why on earth would you need
to have it protected ??

Anyway, I'm not saying I agree with his whole list... as your example
shows, TParam.Bound is a public read-write property already... my
example of ComponentState wasn't, but I only needed csLoading. Maybe
Martin needs to set some of the other states too and no related
methods exist?

Anyway, as you said, maybe justifying some of those items in his list
could hep explain the problems more - and suitable solutions could be

Well, hopefully, yes.

Usually these things are private for a reason. But maybe there are better reasons for doing it different, of course then I'd like to hear them first :)

Changing them without any justification whatsoever is definitely not going to happen.

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