Am 24.08.2012 13:48, schrieb Jonas Maebe:

Martin wrote on Fri, 24 Aug 2012:

On 24/08/2012 12:04, Jonas Maebe wrote:

Martin wrote on Fri, 24 Aug 2012:

The above takes the first of the overloaded.
All bodies are empty.

procedure DebugLn(const s: string = ''); inline; overload;

That looks like a very serious bug introduced in the handling of
parameters to inlined routines. Florian changed several things there
over the last couple of months, maybe he has an idea.

Yes, r21445 is guilty. para.left should be checked with might_have_sideeffects if refs=0 if it really could be removed.

fpc-devel maillist  -

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