Am 10.12.2012 16:56, schrieb Pierre Free Pascal:

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [mailto:fpc-devel-] De la part de Sven Barth
Envoyé : lundi 10 décembre 2012 16:37
À :
Objet : Re: [fpc-devel] Revisiting MacOS for PPC (and possibly 68K)

Am 10.12.2012 12:15, schrieb Mark Morgan Lloyd:
I'm currently cross-compiling the MacOS RTL for PPC on a PC. I've
fixed some trivial issues that had crept in since this was last
maintained, some of which affect other targets, but am stuck at the
errors below.

/usr/local/src/fpc/fpc-trunk/compiler/ppcXppc -Ur -Tmacos -Ppowerpc
-XPpowerpc-macos- -Xr -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../powerpc -FE.
-FU/usr/local/src/fpc/fpc-trunk/rtl/units/powerpc-macos -dpowerpc
-dRELEASE  -Us -Sg system.pp,14) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from
"AnsiString" to "UnicodeString",44) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with
potential data loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"
system.pp(481,2) Warning: User defined: To be implemented - using
system.pp(571) Fatal: Internal error 2003090901
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[2]: *** [system.ppu] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/src/fpc/fpc-trunk/rtl/macos'

Allowing that system.pp ends at line 570, I presume that something
after  line 481 is confusing the compiler. Any suggestions would be

Not necessarily. It seems to be related to something "external".

You could try the following by adjusting the compiler source: before the
internalerror (in compiler/powerpc/agppcmpw.pas) add a
"writeln(tasmsymbol(p).typ)" and maybe also a "AsmFlush" so that the
assembler file up to the error will be written so you can see in which
function the problem exists.

You could also debug the compiler (copy the command line from the
Makefile's output) when compiling the system unit and place a breakpoint
on the internalerror and then investigate the "p" variable.
   I was wondering how many of you know/use the
gppc386 trick?
I did not know that, but I personally prefer debugging using Lazarus :)

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