Hi FPC team,

There is good proposed extension of for-in loop on fpc wiki: get enumerator Position if available <http://wiki.freepascal.org/for-in_loop#Proposed_extensions>. From my point of view it's essential part of iterators. Especially for data structures which store pairs of key and value associated with key.

I want to implement this extension. Moreover I started implementation to explore fpc internals. Current /(not finished)/ result available on github. <https://github.com/vkevroletin/freepascal/tree/key-value-iterator>

My motivation is simple: I'm a student. My teacher is Alexander S. Klenin who should be well known to fp? developers. And I want to implement some feature of fpc as my graduate work. Through improvement of for-in loop is not enough for good graduate work but it is good initial step towards other big contribution.

So is get enumerator Position if available <http://wiki.freepascal.org/for-in_loop#Proposed_extensions> good idea?

Vasiliy Kevroletin

P.S. links for people who dislike computer mouse:

proposed extension - http://wiki.freepascal.org/for-in_loop#Proposed_extensions my branch on github - https://github.com/vkevroletin/freepascal/tree/key-value-iterator

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