On 01/24/13 23:26, Alexander Klenin wrote:
>>>> If you want full fledged iterators, use classes.
>>> Please provide example of your suggestion for the case in the wiki.
>> I don't need to provide *anything*.
> Of course you do not, this is why I said "please" :)
> However, it is impossible to have a meaningful discussion without such
> an example,
> so could you please indulge me?

Do you want examples of Iterator classes? If so, I have a such
implementations I have used for years, and can iterate just about any
collection object without issue.

Getting such an Iterator instance is as single line of code.

If that is what you are talking about, I can email you a copy.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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