On 2013-03-04 01:47, Boian Mitov wrote:
> vast improvements of the code and the readability.

They are unreadable to me.

> I recently started 
> rewriting our libraries with anonymous methods and that alone allowed for 
> cutting over 20000 lines of code

Just my dropping method names? I doubt that.

You do know that the Object Pascal language already supports things like
method pointers, so passing methods to a procedure common - plus it has
the benefit that the method is well named (so you know what it should be

Anonymous methods seem to be exactly what existing method pointers are,
but with the downside that they are obscure (no names to hint to what
they do), and defined in the wrong place in code.

> If you have never developed with them, (as was I), you never know what you 
> have been missing.

This is what I am trying to find out. So far, with everything I have
read and seen. I can do the same thing in code, using method pointers
and it will be more structured code (with names and defined in the
correct location in my unit]. I simply don't see a need for anonymous
methods. Maybe other languages have them, because they didn't have the
method pointer construct to start with?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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