05.03.13, 17:14, Sven Barth wrote:

Just for your information: I will implement generic methods will full
requirement for "generic" and "specialize" in mode ObjFPC (and no, you
can't change my opinion on that).

Yes, I didn't expect my mails will suddenly change your opinion. And even if they would change there are enough fpc team members who will protected objfpc generics :) I only hope to stop duplicate implementation of other delphi features.

And regarding backwards compatibility: we are not only talking about FPC
and Lazarus. There are enough people around that use FPC's generic
syntax and that alone is reason enough to keep it.

Enough - how much? 50 or 100 projects? What will be needed to make them work with dephi syntax? Remove word generic and specialize?

Especially those that don't care about
Delphi compatibility. Also it seems that those that like to develop in
Delphi are the only ones complaining...

Think about component and applications developers who need to care about FPC and Delphi. Less incompatibilities FPC will have more 3rd party components and applications it will get.

I remember author of Total Commander who had failed to port his project to FPC + Laz because of many incompatilities in both projects.

I remember Fib+ developer who stoped his effort to port component to FPC after some found incompatibilities.

There is nothing good in incompatibilities.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin
fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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