27.05.2013 17:17, Maciej Izak wrote:

Unfortunately, Sven is right :). I need this to share another free
library for FPC. It was originally intended for sale to the Embarcadero.
Absolute automatic binary streaming (seriously, for each type that
exists in Pascal, including Class, ClassRef, Interfaces, Pointers,
menaged records with help of attributes). Small demo:


1. Extended RTTI (especially with attributes and access to
private/protected/public members. This library don't need
TVirtualMethodInterceptor, Invoke (but I think attributes needs Invoke
:( ) and TValue)

If you don't need RTTI unit then it will be much more simplier to implement your requirements.

Attributes are half ready in a branch. RTTI for non-published elements (together with $RTTI directive) is not a very hard task.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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