Pierre Free Pascal wrote:

I am sorry, but Ihave no access to a sprac machine anymore.
But I remember that we already had a problem like this coming
from the fact that we declare somewhere an empty record
and this lead to troubles...
  TVectorREgss from fpregs unit might still be empty for sparc.

This was fixed in
in May 2011...

  But I was hoping it was fixed in 2.6.2 ...

  Could you try to recompile trunk compiler and check that that one
does not crash.

Trunk /does/ crash- that's where we started. I only reverted to 2.6.2 since it's slightly easier to put a debugger on it to get a backtrace.

>>> ../fpc-trunk/ide$ make GDB_V603=1 OPT='-O- -gl -Xd' all
>>> ./fpmake compile --localunitdir=.. -...
>>> Fatal: Compilation aborted
>>> An unhandled exception occurred at $001E61C0 :
>>> EDivByZero : Division by zero
>>> $001E61C0 TCGASSIGNMENTNODE__PASS_GENERATE_CODE, line 785 of ncgld.pas
>>> At this point: what's actually running, i.e. what command should I
>>> apply gdb to to get a decent backtrace?

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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