On Thu, 16 Jan 2014, Jonas Maebe wrote:

On 16 Jan 2014, at 16:11, Travis Siegel wrote:

The only problem with the whole public domain thing is that it's not as easy to donate things to public domain as one thinks. Beats me why, but there's a whole legal thing, apparently, you can't just say I donate this code to the public domain, and then folks can do what they like with it. You'd think they could, but I've seen legal arguments, entire discussion groups, and even whole web sites devoted to the issue of what constitutes public domain, and apparently, things that are still in copyright (regardless of author intent) can't actually be given to the public domain (go figure).

You can always use the CC0 license: https://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/

Unbelievable. What a farce :)

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