On 20/09/14 00:07, Boian Mitov wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message----- From: Jonas Maebe
> Sent: Friday, September 19, 2014 2:10 PM
> To: FPC developers' list
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] RTTI generating
>> Why do you take one paragraph out of context and base a whole rant on
>> that which ignores the other information from the original message?
> Hmm.... I read the original message again, and I see it exactly in the
> same way.

It ended with saying that D2010-style extended RTTI is being worked on.
If you are happy with what Delphi supports in terms of RTTI (which I
understood you are), then that should be fine. The work that has been
done on it so far is available from the
branch. It hasn't been synchronised with trunk for a long time though.

fpc-devel maillist  -  fpc-devel@lists.freepascal.org

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