On 12/06/2014 05:14 AM, Tomas Hajny wrote:
As mentioned above, I've prepared a patch for fpmkunit to allow
listing of packages in a way supporting simplification of updates of
install.dat (the file used by the text-mode installer under OS/2 and

It works by adding a new command ('pkglist'). If used for standard
packages (rather than 'utils'), '-zp units-' needs to be passed among
fpmake options. I've added special recognition for explicit passing
of 'osnone' as target OS which is used in this command to generate
list of zip files with sources (instead of archive with compiled
files). I had to use different rules for evaluation of the
AllLimit83fsOSes (generation of files supporting manual editing of
install.dat for its update in SVN should not depend on the host
operating system where this operation is performed), but this special
treatment is limited to this new command, of course.

Please, let me know what you think about it and if I may commit these

I don't see anything strange. You could argue if this is the right moment to add such a functionality. But otoh it doesn't change any vital functionality, and if we don't do it now it will only be functional with the next release.

So go ahead.



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