
> Not in FPC 2.6.4. They do exist in FPC 3.0rc1, but FPC 3.0rc1 still contains
> a bug that makes it (wrongfully) complain about a duplicate "SHELLP"
> identifier with your program (and this bug will also be in the final FPC 3.0
> release; it will be fixed in FPC 3.0.2 probably). If you remove the
> "(shellp,output)" from the program header, the program compiles and runs
> correctly with FPC 3.0 if you also add a "rewrite(shellp);" after the reset
> though.
> In general, ANSI ISO Pascal support is still very new in FPC, because until
> now virtually everyone wanting ISO support used GPC, and FPC's developers
> all come from a Turbo Pascal or Delphi background.

Thanks for the background.

With 400+ programs, unless I can automate fixes it's not going to be
feasible.  (The assigment could probably be done by rebuilding the
source automatically.)

The issue for me is that I use (almost) strictly standard Pascal and I
could do that using GPC.  But GPC on Mac OS X died with the latest Mac
"upgrade" to 10.10.5.  The translator p2c now also fails.  This puts
me in a bad position because I rely on these programs to do my
science.  I'm glad to know that fpc is being developed to handle ISO
support now!!

Looks like I'll have to wait.  Is there an announcement list I could
sign up for to get the news when FPC 3.0.2 comes out?


  Thomas D. Schneider, Ph.D.
  Senior Investigator
  National Institutes of Health
  National Cancer Institute
  Center for Cancer Research
  Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory
  Molecular Information Theory Group
  Frederick, Maryland  21702-1201 (current link) (permanent link)
fpc-devel maillist  -

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