Il 26/12/2017 14:27, Mark Morgan Lloyd ha scritto:
What does gdb (and possibly other debuggers) make of this?
What currently gdb tells (and any other debugger would tell) is :

No symbol "Item" in current context.

Once the appropriate entries are implemented in the debugger symbol table, it will behave like it does in similar conditions, i.e. displaying a value referenced by a pointer. I didn't mention in my ToDo list because I'm a bit lazy, but this too has to be done.
Is it really appropriate to declare Item as a variable, when it's really more akin to a macro?
It's not different from the declarations:

myString: string;
myObject: TObject;

where your declaration only reserves a pointer, while the actual string or object will be instantiated only at run time.

Item is a variable, whose location isn't known at compile time, but will be known only at run time.


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