Am 21.06.2018 um 10:26 schrieb Martin:
On 21/06/2018 01:27, Martin wrote:
fpc 3.0.4 / Linux 64bit (Fedora)

What should happen if:

- A Thread has queued a call with "TThread.Queue"
- The Thread gets Terminated and Destroyed before the queued method can be executed.   That is the thread checks for "Terminated" and exits Execute before the queued method can be executed.

Diving into TThread.Destroy I can see: RemoveQueuedEvents(Self);
So I would assume that all the queued calls are removed, and will not be executed.

class procedure TThread.RemoveQueuedEvents(aThread: TThread; aMethod: TThreadMethod);
  entry, tmpentry, lastentry: PThreadQueueEntry;
  { anything to do at all? }
  if not Assigned(aThread) or not Assigned(aMethod) then
Arrgh, my fault, the above is correct, but instead a few lines further

      if Assigned(aThread) and (entry^.Thread <> aThread) then begin
        lastentry := entry;
        entry := entry^.Next;
      { then check for the method }
      if entry^.Method <> aMethod then begin  ///////////// <<< should that not also be "if assigned(aMethod) and ..." // entry^.Method will never be equal to nil
        lastentry := entry;
        entry := entry^.Next;

Would you please test with trunk? There it already checks for aMethod.

Also at least on x86_64-win64 your example works correctly, though that you're calling foo.Destroy directly after foo.Terminate is potentially dangerous: depending on the current system load the thread instance might be freed before the thread has fully finished executing (there is a bit of cleanup stuff happening after the thread returns from Execute). So the safest is to call foo.WaitFor before calling foo.Destroy and in that case WaitFor will call CheckSynchronize until the thread really finished (at least on Windows, OS/2 and Unix-like) as OnTerminate (if assigned) is called using Synchronize.

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