On 01.07.2019 23:25, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
I understand. But all depends on how the compiler parses and evaluates this.

Let me put brackets to make it more clear: is


parsed & evaluated as


or as


In the former case, the compiler cannot know what the result type is of the
first set of brackets in your proposal. In the latter case, it can be OK.

But I simply do not know, someone with more intimate knowledge of the
compiler needs to shed light on this.

I happened to study this part of FPC code back in 2015 when I worked on issue #28820. I can say that FPC directly transfers indexed properties to method calls with the parameters from []-brackets without checking if the property definition exists - and even without checking if the []-brackets are there. That means, in case StringArray is an array property:


is always evaluated as


and never as


the same goes for

MyTest.StringArray -> MyTest.StringArrayGetter()
MyTest.StringArray[] -> MyTest.StringArrayGetter()
MyTest.StringArray['abc'] -> MyTest.StringArrayGetter('abc')
MyTest.StringArray['abc', 123, 3.14] -> MyTest.StringArrayGetter('abc', 123, 3.14)

But you can explicitly add the brackets around MyTest.StringArray - the compiler allows this.

Let me show you some code to prove myself:

program Project1;
{$mode objfpc}
  TValue = record A: Integer end;
  TMyClass = class
    function GetValue: string;
    function GetValue(aindex: string): Double;
    property Index[aindex: string]: Double read GetValue;
{ TMyClass }
function TMyClass.GetValue(aindex: string): Double;
  Writeln('double indexed overload called');
  Result := Length(aindex);
function TMyClass.GetValue: string;
  Writeln('string not-indexed overload called.');
  Result := 'abc';
  c: TMyClass;
  c := TMyClass.Create;
  Writeln(c.Index);        // allowed - string overload
  Writeln(c.Index[]);      // allowed - string overload
  Writeln(c.Index[2]);     // not allowed - overload does not exist (comment out to compile the program)
  Writeln(c.Index[][2]);   // allowed - string overload
  Writeln((c.Index)[2]);   // allowed - string overload
  Writeln(c.Index['abc']); // allowed - double overload


So actually, what you call as "my proposal" is not really a proposal - the whole property overload feature is already present in FPC. But now it's just by accident and with wrong syntax. We only need 2 steps to convert this bug into a feature: 1.) Check the indexed property definition before calling the getter/setter + allow indexed property overloads. 2.) Forbid the empty-[]-brackets-syntax so that "c.Index[]" and "c.Index[][2]" from example above will become invalid.


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