Personally, I like the idea of having as much optimization as possible, but I'm likely in the minority here.  Since your original submission covered the (probably) most often used case, I'd say at this point, it's probably fine the way it is.

On the other hand, depending on timing, (I.E. how long does it take for the extra optimizations, and what kind of benefits would accrue), it might be worth persuing, but if as you suspect, it's rarely used, and the optimization takes long enough, that it would overshadow any gains in it's being skipped, (I'm talking compile time, not runtime) then it may not be worth continuing.  As I said, personally, I'd love as many optimizations as possible.  I'm personally of the opinion that software is entirely too bloated and includes way too much junk in it these days, which is why I use powerbasic for my windows development whenever I have a windows only project.  I use FPC if I have a cross platform project, especially if I can convince the end users/financial folks that java isn't necessary.  I've been a big fan of pascal every since I first learned it back in 1988, and I'd use it for everything if powerbasic wasn't so darned convenient, especially for it's extremely small executables, and it's ability to operate with a bare minimum of dlls.

So, anything that gets freepascal closer to matching powerbasic in executable size/speed is fine with me.

On 9/17/2021 11:55 AM, J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have a question for third-party developers, especially mathematical, scientific and games programmers...

How often would you use a construct akin to "case x mod n of", where n is a constant and not a power of 2?  I ask because while I wait for my "(x mod n) = 0" optimisation to be approved, I've discovered that it could be extended to cover remainders other than 0.  For example, starting with (x mod 3) = 0 (unsigned 32-bit using Intel notation):

CMP EAX, $55555555
JBE @Remainder0

For (x mod 3) = 1:

CMP EAX, $55555554
JBE @Remainder1

Which in this case, can be simplified to:

JAE @Remainder1

To keep with the simple case of n and 2^32 being relatively prime (i.e. n is odd), this is due to the fact that for a given divisor n, you can calculate its multiplicative inverse r such that nr = 1 (mod 2^32).  Then if x is a multiple of n, it can be written as kn for some integer k, and (kn)r = k (mod 2^32), and because n and 2^32 are relatively prime, the domain has an exact one-to-one mapping onto the range, so the output k cannot be produced by any other input after being multiplied by r, and k falls in the range 0 to floor(2^32 / n), which is 0 to $55555555 for n = 3.

For remainder 1, x has the form kn + 1, and when multipled by r, the result is congruent to k + r (mod 2^32).  Because of the 1-to-1 mapping, the ranges of k and k + r will not overlap, and in the case for a divisor of 3 and a remainder of 1, maps onto the linear range $AAAAAAAB (k = 0) to $FFFFFFFF (k = $55555554).  For completion, for divisor 3 and a remainder of 2, the range is $55555556 to $AAAAAAAA (note that 2r = $55555556 (mod 2^32)).

I still got a couple of nuances to figure out, such as what to do with even values of n and the exact length of each range (for n = 3, k can range from 0 to $55555555 for remainder 0, but only 0 to $55555554 for remainders 1 and 2... this is because $FFFFFFFF is an exact multiple of 3).

So long story short, would optimisations for "(x mod n) = c" and "case (x mod n) of" be welcome, or is it overkill and "(x mod n) = 0" more than enough?

Gareth aka. Kit

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