It does seem odd.  In a practical sense, the only time I can see -1 being a common input among other random numbers is if it's an error value, in which case you would most likely do special handling rather than pass it through a division operation.  With the slowdown that comes from additional branch prediction, it just seems like unnecessary fluff, but I need to double-check to see if there's a very good reason behind their generation (if it's a platform-specific problem, it should be moved to that platform's specific first pass)  Now I just need to find out where those nodes are generated - they're proving elusive!

Note that using constant divisors uses a different optimisation, so this only applies to variable divisors.


On 11/05/2023 12:07, Stefan Glienke via fpc-devel wrote:
Looks like a rather disadvantageous way to avoid the idiv instruction because x 
div -1 = -x and x mod -1 = 0.

I ran a quick benchmark doing a lot of integer divisions where sometimes (randomly) the 
divisor was -1. When the occurence was rare enough (~5%) the performance was not 
impacted, the higher the occurence of -1 was the slower it became to almost half as fast. 
Only when less than 5% of the divisors were *not* -1 the performance was better up to 
twice as fast when all divisors were -1. Of couse ymmv as it depends on the CPU and the 
branch predictor behavior but it shows that this "optimization" is hardly any 

I cannot think of a realistic case where 95% of your divisors are -1 and you 
really need to save those few extra cycles of calling idiv.

On 11/05/2023 11:04 CEST J. Gareth Moreton via fpc-devel 
<> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I need to ask a question about how division nodes are set up (I'm
looking at possible optimisation techniques).  I've written the
following procedure:

procedure DoDivMod(N, D: Integer; out Q, R: Integer);
    Q := N div D;
    R := N mod D;

Fairly simple and to the point.  However, even before the first node
pass, the following node tree is generated for an integer division

<statementn pos="24,10">
     <ifn resultdef="$void" pos="24,10" flags="nf_internal">
           <equaln resultdef="Boolean" pos="24,10" flags="nf_internal">
              <loadn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,14">
              <ordconstn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,10" rangecheck="FALSE">
           <assignn resultdef="$void" pos="24,10" flags="nf_internal">
              <temprefn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,10" flags="nf_write"
              <unaryminusn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,10">
                 <loadn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,8">
           <assignn resultdef="$void" pos="24,10" flags="nf_internal">
              <temprefn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,10" flags="nf_write"
              <divn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,10">
                 <loadn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,8">
                 <loadn resultdef="LongInt" pos="24,14">

Something similar is made for "mod" as well.  I have to ask though... is
it really necessary to check to see if the divisor is -1 and have a
distinct assignment for it?  It's a bit of a rare edge case that usually
just slows things down since it tends to add a comparison and a
conditional jump to the final assembly language.  Is there some
anomalous behaviour to a processor's division routine if the divisor is -1?

At the very least, would it be possible to remove the conditional check
when compiling under -Os?

(I intend to see if it's possible to merge "N div D" and "N mod D" on
x86, and possibly other processors that have a combined DIV/MOD operator).


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