Hi everyone,

This has been something that's been in development for some time now, and I invite other Free Pascal users and developers to test the new feature... pure functions.  Its closest equivalent in C++ would be "constexpr".

A pure function has no side-effects - it doesn't affect the machine state outside of its scope.  More broadly, it is analogous to a mathematical function, so for a given input(s), will always return the same output.  The idea is that if a function is marked as pure, and confirmed to be by the compiler, then in certain situations, its result can be computed at compile time and the call replaced with the calculated result as a literal.  I've attached two examples showing pure functions in action, one that unrolls a for-loop, and one that handles recursion.  As the examples imply, to mark as a function as pure, simply use the new "pure" directive.  By default, subroutines are not considered pure because, while the compiler would easily be able to defermine if a function is actually pure or not, this would cause significant slowdown to the compilation process.

You can access my repository here: https://gitlab.com/CuriousKit/optimisations/-/tree/pure?ref_type=heads

Note that pure functions are subtly different to inline functions, and while there is a lot of overlap, they have different use cases.  Some pure functions can theoretically be extremely complex and would not be something you'd want to inline, but is guaranteed to produce a deterministic result for a given input.  A theoretical example would be a hash function (although my pure functions do not support pointers because the data they point to is not deterministic until you dereference it). Similarly, a small inline function that accesses a global variable (e.g. to read or modify a reference count) cannot be a pure function because the compiler has no way of knowing what that variable will be set to at compile time.

Currently there's no support to assign the result of a pure function to a constant, although I intend to find a means to support it one day.  Additionally, procedures with "out" parameters unfortunately tend to not be evaluated correctly and will error out (the compiler might consider them impure even though they actually are.  If the "out" parameter is passed into another function through a call, even if it's to another pure function or itself (recursion), the parameter is considered "escaped" and so can't be optimised.  So far I haven't worked out how to get around this because the load nodes are marked as "address taken" as well as the definition of the formal parameter itself.  Temporarily modifying these definitions during pure function analysis is somewhat dangerous and error-prone.  I'll solve this eventually though.

One of my current goals is to make "IntToStr", which calls "Str" internally, a pure function.  One might question the point of this, since who in their right mind would write something like "Output := IntToStr(5);"  The reasul is that another pure function (one that may generate a string for a notification message, for example) may call IntToStr with an actual parameter that's a variable, but said variable is deterministic within the function and so would be replaced with an integer literal by the time "IntToStr" is evaluated.  If "IntToStr" can be successfully made a pure function, then that can be considered a milestone and other similar functions can follow.

Other possibilities:

for N := 1 to 10 do
  Y := N * SomePureFunc(X);

Here, X is an unknown local variable.  However, if it is not modified within the for-loop, SomePureFunc(X) will always return the same value (if it is actually a pure function), so the compiler could theoretically optimise it to the equivalent code:

Z := SomePureFunc(X);
for N := 1 to 10 do
  Y := N * Z;

This could be achieved through the tempcreate / tempref / tempdelete nodes that are often used when expanding inline functions.

Any suggestions, requests, bug reports or, heck, even a merge request, please send them my way!

Yours faithfully,

J. Gareth "Kit" Moreton
program pure1a;

function Factorial(N: Cardinal): Cardinal; pure;
    X: Integer;
    Result := 1;
    for X := N downto 2 do
      Result *= X;

program pure1b;

function Factorial(N: Cardinal): Cardinal; pure;
    if N < 2 then
          Result := 1
      Result := N * Factorial(N - 1);
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