Sven Barth wrote:
On 25.02.2012 19:15, ik wrote:

I found the following amazing lecture that present a new idea of a
development tool, that I think will interest you all:

An interesting talk indeed. Thank you for sharing.

Agreed, very interesting (although I had to skip the last few minutes due to other things happening). From a purely mechanical point of view I'd be interested to know whether the coding examples were fully-implemented, or if he was in effect miming to a prepared video.

Somebody else has mentioned incremental compilation: a number of years ago there was something called Mystic Pascal that tried this, although I never used it (I was in the throes of Modula-2 at the time) and it ended up as a freebie on a cover disc. I've always felt that there might still be something in it worth looking at...

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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