Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

On 2016-02-24 14:02, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
I've looked at it in the past and found it woefully unreliable, but there's a chance that it's improved since it's been adopted as an official part of X11.

I can't really answer that, other than that I've used it for the last
week with both systems running X Server v1.17.4  (though the one system
did run v1.14.3 up until yesterday), and it hasn't given me any problems
thus far.

I ended up using x2x which at least allows me to use a single keyboard
and mouse over four screens.

I don't know x2x - how is that different to Xdmx?

x2x is specifically for controlling multiple computers with a single keyboard and mouse. As such windows are limited to the size dictated by the screen (taking into account Xinerama etc.), you can't drag-and-drop screens between machines, no cut-and-paste between machines and so on.

Continuing the overall desktop and remote-access theme, I'd add that anybody using VNC could usefully look at whatever their desktop provides rather than the standard VNC client, I've found krdc to be significantly more reliable and capable than xvnc4viewer. Similarly anybody using Xnest could usefully look at Xephyr as an alternative... again this uses the same protocol but is a more up-to-date implementation.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

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