Lukasz Sokol wrote:
On 30/07/16 20:04, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
Lukasz Sokol wrote:

I'm sure that if one dug there would be plenty of prewritten mail
distribution programs, probably in Perl on unix (and if somebody
doesn't like that, he might as well stop reading here).

there was even a pre-cursor to (probably) every known program like that, 
up to the interested reader to find what was it written in ;) and by who.
(as in, I remember fetchmail from ~15-20 years ago, it had quite /specific/ 
approach to config files)

Fetchmail's OK if you can rely on an ISP running a mail server (MTA, Sendmail or equivalent) which will accept all IDs for a given domain in a compatible format. Some usages aren't compatible, and I've had to write a local equivalent.

The key to managing anything like this is usually to use a different
email ID for each mailing list, e.g. something like for this one. Then either make sure
you deal with an ISP who is prepared to accept either all mail for
your domain or a significant number of predefined names (i.e. rather
than just a single one) or set up your own email server
(Sendmail+Cyrus or whatever). Then use Thunderbird etc. rules to
distribute traffic to folders by recipient.

Yes. However it requires that filter/sorter be running somewhere all the
time, to sort the messages. So you end up having a 24/7 computer in
the house, which isn't to everybody's taste... or hosting it to run in a vm somewhere for free/non-free. And, well if you happen to think, that
an DD/OpenWRT'd home ADSL modem(*) with some storage is enough, try to think
of a good answer to 'Why do you need that hard drive attached to the modem all 
the time?'
question, in 2 minutes ... ;)

(*) (of which workable ones are not as easy to come by by the way either)

This is basically stuff I'm working on at the moment, to the detriment of other things like testing FPC on outrageous platforms. Let's consider the two sides of the problem separately.

First, if you want to receive all possible emails (i.e. with user names mis-spelt etc.) you'll usually have to set up your own server somewhere. But these days a Raspberry Pi can use a 64Gb SDCard instead of a conventional hard disc, and that is more than adequate to buffer email traffic. In our case we've got Sendmail as an MTA, greylisting, and Cyrus as storage... there's a few problems in there related to duplicated messages but it works. Client systems need to know what user IDs they're collecting mail for, and periodically anything uncollected will need to be reviewed.

Second, connection etc. A dedicated email server will usually require a routable IP4 address (i.e. not 192.168.x.x etc.) and these have been increasingly difficult to get over the last few years. Routable IP6 addresses are easier, but ADSL services that support IP6 are still comparatively rare.

A solution to this is to use a non-routable IP address allocated by DHCP and served over ADSL or 3G/4G mobile. Over that you set up an L2TP tunnel, and at your end you have a mail server listening on a routable IP6 address (and IP4 if you can get one). You possibly also have a very low-priority IP4 server run by your ISP, but this will need very heavy spam filtering since it will get a lot of undesirable stuff.

L2TP in this mode is still rare, we're beta-testing it with our ISP but since they also manufacture the Firebrick appliances used by a fair number of small ISPs expect it to be rolled out gradually.

We've historically used Draytek router/modems connected via multiple carriers to AAISP (link above). Over the years we've seen reliability gradually improve as carriers have gradually introduced proper failover when e.g. taking a core router out overnight (we run 24x7. They don't). We're currently experimenting with diversified connections, and one of the things I've got on my plate is to integrate an inference engine with our firewall to handle traffic control (i.e. choosing which connection to use, irrespective of routing).

The inference engine is from NASA, and written in Perl. Sorry.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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