[reply moved to fpc-other]

On 2016-11-22 14:29, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> My conclusion: That tabs costs less cpu time in Pascal code is a myth.

Bottom line, in both your 2nd and 3rd set of attempts, at least 2 out of
the 3 compiles were faster than the (1st) baseline times. So my
statement about it will take less time because there are less bytes to
process holds true. :-)  I never said by how much faster though. ;-)

To get more accurate results one would have to reduce the test to only
parsing source code, and exclude things like deleting PPU files,
compiling and binary linking. An exercise for a rainy Sunday afternoon. :)

I was impressed by how much disk space the source code reduced by.
That's 3.7MB [minimum] less bytes to parse and scan.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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