On 2017-05-22 23:39, nore...@z505.com wrote:
What about Rust or plain C? Or Digital Mars D?

I hate C with a passion. I'll never code in that ever again.

I also have no interest in learning "the new language flavour of the month" - which will be obsolete in a year or two. Object Pascal is already pretty irrelevant when it comes to looking for jobs - I'm a freelancer / contract programmer. Though it has served me very well since TP 5.5 and then again from Delphi 4 onwards.

I now go where the work is (as well as the money - but enjoyment of work is still a higher priority for me).

Or instead of using rust/c/java, simply fix FPC, which is a good
solution IMO

I don't know compiler design or how it works internally. So contributing in that area is out of my scope.

I don't see how ZenGL and Andorra3D have been able to succeed as game

I can't speak for those, but have used OpenGL with FPC for a few months. I'm definitely no OpenGL expert, but I did manage to off-loaded a lot of work via shaders to the GPU. So that frees up a lot of what FPC has to do with the general game "ticks".

Indeed it is not exactly a bug but could just be correct code that is

Many seem to miss the whole point of what I was trying to say. Other compilers did a much better job than what FPC could manage - using the exact same code (just the language syntax that differed). I didn't need to change anything for GCC or Java, and I didn't have to implement all kinds of work-arounds.

Either way, I've run out of energy discussing this. I profile my code one more time and try the suggestions in Jonas. Simply because I'm curious. But other than that, my project has already moved forward using Java.


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