Best ask your questions related to Android (be it with JVM or not) on,43.0.html for native Android and,56.0.html for JVM. There are more users registered that can help than here on fpc-other. Not to mention the developer of LAMW is there as well who might be willing to help improve LAMW for your needs (also it should be possible to use LAMW without LFM files and instead generate the components in code).


Am 04.08.2020 um 18:41 schrieb Mgr. Janusz Chmiel via fpc-other:
The main reason why I Am opening this topic is The fact, that there is
currently no Opensource or free project, which would support all possible
GUI object types for Android when I Am not writing about Lamw.
Lamw will be never usable for visually impaired programmers, because it is
necessary to respect its visual based design. LFM language require using
object position values.
Pandroid support some basic object types, but adding next 40 or more GUI
Android element types such as tree view, combobox, checkbox, checklist is
very complex for A standalone Pandroid author.
As A result it is not possible to use The most modern Android features by
visually impaired Pascal programmers.
Lamw do not support all Android APi functions too, it do not contain
wakelock support, ignore battery optimisations, etc.
The question is, if somebody would have A good will to make this free
project. Because if it will be only attractive for visually impaired users,
it will not be attractive for somebody advanced to vaste his expensive
programming time.
How to solve this rebus?
Sure, I Am ready to test. BUt it is too little for such project.

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